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Arabic (Calligraphy) Stone Necklace

Arabic (Calligraphy) Stone Necklace

Regular price $37.77 USD
Regular price Sale price $37.77 USD
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Arabic (Calligraphy) Stone Necklace

Arabic or Calligraphy Stone, also known as Script Stone, is a unique and intriguing crystal prized for its distinctive markings resembling ancient Arabic script. These intricate patterns are formed from fossilized shells and other organic materials embedded within the stone, creating a beautiful and mesmerizing display.

Metaphysically, Arabic Stone is believed to possess powerful grounding and stabilizing properties, making it an ideal stone for promoting inner peace, emotional balance, and spiritual alignment. It is said to help one connect with the earth's energies and find a sense of stability and security amidst life's challenges.

In addition to its grounding qualities, Arabic Stone is thought to enhance creativity, intuition, and insight. It is said to stimulate the mind and encourage clear thinking, making it a valuable tool for problem-solving and decision-making. Arabic Stone is also believed to aid in communication and self-expression, helping individuals articulate their thoughts and ideas with clarity and confidence.

18' chain

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