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Shiva Lingam Necklace

Shiva Lingam Necklace

Regular price $35.55 USD
Regular price Sale price $35.55 USD
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Shiva Lingam Necklace

Shiva Lingam is a sacred stone revered for its profound spiritual significance and symbolic representation of the Hindu deity Lord Shiva.

Originating from the Narmada River in India, these naturally formed egg-shaped stones are imbued with powerful energy and ancient wisdom.

Metaphysically, Shiva Lingam is associated with fertility, creation, and the divine union of masculine and feminine energies. It is believed to stimulate the flow of kundalini energy, promoting spiritual awakening, and inner transformation. Shiva Lingam is also cherished for its ability to balance and align the chakras, fostering a sense of harmony and equilibrium within the body and mind. Additionally, it is often used in meditation and ritual practices to invoke blessings, protection, and blessings from the divine. By working with Shiva Lingam, individuals may experience a deepening connection to their higher selves, expanded consciousness, and a profound sense of reverence for the sacredness of life.

18' copper chain

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